Our seeds form the basis for healthy and appealing vegetables
Rijk Zwaan Australia offers top-quality seeds for a broad range of vegetable varieties, specifically selected for Australian conditions. Our varieties feature innovations to increase harvest quality and quantity.
Solutions, like Knox™ and Blueleaf®, increase yields and offer strengths against evolving threats. Our innovations in vegetable breeding promote successful harvests, with a focus on food security and environmental sustainability, so we can share a healthy future.
Solutions for growers
We make a significant contribution to improving the sustainability of vegetable production by developing local varieties and increasing yield. The incorporation of resistances to diseases and pests enables growers to reduce their reliance on crop protection agents. Additionally, we play a crucial role in enhancing the efficiency of vegetable production techniques.
Solutions for consumers
As a breeding company, we are always searching for special traits in vegetables that surprise and delight consumers; traits that make veggies tastier, more appealing, or easier to prepare. We are dedicated to promoting a healthy lifestyle through enjoyable and attractive vegetable options. By understanding what shoppers enjoy, we create brands, inspiring concepts, and problem-solving traits that assist our partners market our healthy food products.
Solutions for chain partners
Many of our chain partners contribute to increasing vegetable consumption by providing solutions in the areas of preservation, preparation, or marketing of vegetables. In close consultation with these partners, we develop variety traits that contribute to their operations, with the goal of improving the efficiency of their processes and the quality of their final product.