ANDIRON RZ (79-977)
Lettuce | Red | Coral | Salanova®

- Red and green Coral lettuce
- High yielding, slow bolting
- Part of the Salanova® range - a one-cut-ready variety
Salanova® Andiron RZ is a red coral variety of lettuce, featuring a vibrant cherry red frill contrasting with a green inner leaf. This leaf type adds a fluffy, frilled add dimension to a salad mix and adds a mild, nutty flavour.
Andiron is a coral lettuce with a high number of leaves, making it especially suitable for mechanical harvesting.
This is an impressively slow bolting variety, with great potential for high yields.
Andiron is a Salanova® variety. Salanova® is the brand name for a range of lettuce. With just one cut at the base, Salanova lettuce separates into multiple evenly proportioned, ready-to-eat, leaves. A Salanova lettuce has three times more leaves than traditional lettuce, offering tremendous advantages for everyone in the vegetable chain, including processors, retailers, and ultimately consumers.
Order seeds online today, or contact us for information tailored to your growing conditions.