AZZEDINE RZ (79-IN5551) Knox™
Lettuce | Oakleaf | Salanova® & Knox™
- Glossy red oak leaf lettuce
- A one-cut-ready Salanova® variety with Knox™ for delayed oxidisation
- Well suited to mechanical harvesting
- Suitable for year-round production in most areas
Azzedine RZ is a red oak leaf lettuce variety. The leaves have a nice glossy texture, transitioning from a bright green inner, to a lush plum-red tip. They have a traditional oak-leaf shape.
Uniform leaf shapes and sizes throughout the plant mean that both the inner leaves and outer leaves of the plant are usable, resulting in more leaves in-spec and less waste.
Azzedine RZ can be used when mechanical harvesting at a high density. The leaves are robust and flexible – well-suited to processing. The leaves have less fines than other varieties in the same category, resulting in less time cleaning the machines while harvesting.
The plant habit is upright, providing better airflow and less disease pressure, as well as ease of harvest.
With good field-holding ability, Azzedine RZ has year-round capabilities throughout most of Australia’s growing areas, with sufficient vigour to see winter through.
Ideal for the processed, salad-leaf market, either in mixed bags, or in a mono-line. The attractive and robust leaf offers lots of opportunities.
Azzedine RZ is part of the Salanova® range of lettuce, and features the Knox™ trait, for longer shelf life.
Is the brand name for a range of lettuce. With just one cut at the base, Salanova lettuce separates into multiple evenly proportioned, ready-to-eat, leaves. This offers advantages through the whole chain. Growers, processors, retailers, and ultimately consumers benefit from increased yields, less processing, less waste and great products on the shelves. More about Salanova®.
Is a naturally occurring trait that is bred into this variety to delay the pinking of cut surfaces of the leaves. Delays in the pinking means longer shelf life, less waste, more sustainable production and a more attractive, quality product on the shelves. More about the Knox™ trait.
Looking for growing advice, or help choosing the right variety for your conditions? Contact us and one of our team will be in touch.